Varied And Unique Life Training

Did you know that AAFS has an adult program (18+) that we run Monday-Friday during the day called VAULT?! 

VAULT is a great way for members of AAFS and the surrounding community to work together and form a relationship. The program allows members to learn new skills and interact with others within the community, all while being supported in a safe and fun environment!


This is what a typical VAULT week schedule looks like: 

  • Monday: Grocery shopping and cooking.
  • Tuesday: Mornings are spent around the clubhouse. Afternoons are spent volunteering at the Drop-Inn Cnetre
  • Wednesday: Mornings are spent around the clubhouse. Afternoons we go and join the Stepping Out crew.
  • Thursday: Mornings we do ART. Afternoons are spent baking
  • Friday: Fun activity in the community - this activity changes from week to week.

Program Facilitator: Morgan Davis
Contact: 587-438-7612 or

Autism Aspergers Friendship Society of Calgary

Charitable Organization 862472230RR0001

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